11th Annual Forestry Symposium: Forests on the Edge

Forests on the Edge:
Exploring the Tensions Between
Forests and Urban Development

The 11th Annual Forestry Symposium
Presented by:
Duke University Chapter
Society of American Foresters

Oct. 27th, 2017
Field Auditorium, Nicholas School of the Environment


Program of Events

10:00 – 10:15
Coffee & Registration

10:15 – 11:10
The State of Forests in Durham County
Chris Hirni, Durham County Ranger,
North Carolina Forest Service
with introductory remarks by Dr. Jeff Vincent,
Stanback Dean, Nicholas School of the Environment

Urban development can present several challenges for forest management, especially in the Triangle area.  Chris will highlight the role of the NC Forest Service in dealing with these challenges and offer some insights into proper urban forest management.

11:15 – 12:00
Urbanization and Forest Ecology
Dr. Dean Urban, Professor of Landscape Ecology

Forest ecology can be drastically changed by urbanization.  Dean will explain various impacts of urban development on forests, such as forest fragmentation, forest edge effects, and connections to global climate change.

12:00 – 12:30
Lunch Break 

12:30 – 1:40
Panel Discussion: Perspectives on Forest Management
Sara Childs, Director of Duke Forest
Katie Rose Levin, Director of Consulting for Leaf & Limb
Leslie Moorman, Executive Director of NC Urban Forest Council

How do challenges and techniques in managing urban forests differ across different scales?  Our panelists will discuss their unique perspectives and experience with this issue.

1:45 – 2:30
Keynote Address: Fire in the Wildland-Urban Interface
Robert Bonnie, Duke Rubenstein Fellow and
Former Undersecretary of Natural Resources and Environment at USDA

Climate change, past land management practices and development in the wildland urban interface are magnifying the threat of wildfire on lives, homes, and natural resources.  Robert will talk about the impact of development on wildland fire and firefighting, and the future of wildland fire policy.

2:30 – 3:00

Sponsored by Society of American Foresters and Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University

Join us as we explore the issues facing forests and forest management in the midst of rapid urban development in North Carolina's Triangle Region and in the United States.  We look forward to seeing you there!

The 2017 Duke SAF Board
Michelle Kaiser MEM/MF '18, Daniel Hickey MF '18, Kendall DeLyser MEM/MF '18, Alison Petro MEM/MF '18